One Word Answer Challenge
Where is your mobile phone? pocket
Where is your significant other? near
Your hair colour? toblerone
Your mother? warm
Your father? contemplative
Your favourite thing? near
Your dream last night? nada
Your dream goal? fun
The room you're in? kitchen
Your hobby? motorbycles
Your fear? alone
Where do you want to be in 6 years? content
Where were you last night? school
What you're not? nerdy.
One of your wish-list items? hobby
Where you grew up? PNG
The last thing you did? shovel
What are you wearing? warm
Your TV? dvd
Your pets? GRRRRRRR.
Your computer? fruit.
Your mood? dopey
Missing someone? nope
Your car? headache.
Something you're not wearing? nightie.
Favourite shop? online.
Your summer? work.
Love someone? near.
Your favourite colour? grreeeeennn.
When is the last time you laughed? today
When is the last time you cried?dunno .
6 Quirky Things
1. Don't
2. Want
3. To
4. Do
5. This
6. One
there you are M'Lady