Today I deleted my MySpace account. Finally. It is actually quite the process. You would be surprised. I had to go through three cancellation verifications, and then also reply to a conformation email. It's not even that hard to join. MySpace awesomeness.
My Reasons for Deleting:
a) I never checked the stinking thing anymore. I mean really who cares about all that crap.
2) what is the point? The point is to get all these people whom you haven't talked to in years, to become your "friend". Wow, talk about desperate. And then if that is not enough, you have to keep denying all these creeps and hipsters who want to be YOUR friend. I just don't have enough time to monitor that.
d) MySpace is a social crutch created for societies losers. I am no longer one of those losers.
So if you were a MySpace "freind" of mine. I apologize. And if you really need to get in contact with me, leave a message on my wall at this link:
it is me.
i found your blog.
now my life is complete.
here are my expectations:
that you will include lots of links and photos.
that you will have occasional posts reminding people to "chill out" and enjoy life. and that you have a quote/thought/lesson on "designing" every once in a while.
also. since you are married, i think it would be cool if you did something called "married minutes" where once a week you wrote down somethin funny or some word of advice about being wedlocked :)
i hope i am not too demanding.
but since i am the eldest sister, i pretty much get final say in basically everything.
love you.
i am really proud of you and b.
p.s. i am kiddding about blog expectations. it's yours. do whatever.
you have my permission ;)
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