tried shinning up one of the covers for a test, not sure if i will leave it chrome or powdercoat it. i used and sos pad to clean it up a bit.


this was really nasty, also noticed the crushed washer on the sprocket, but don't think it is affecting anything.

i also removed the motor. used a jack to help the top out

then lifted it out, wow it was heavy.

i really like this pic, ready for the teardown.

pretty much stripped

started to remove some things

and then closed up shop for the night

took apart the carbs tonight. not a single screw came of the top caps, all had to be drilled. on the float bowls i got all but one out. so i will be getting new screws for the whole lot. should i buy from somewhere like Z1(http://www.z1enterprises.com/detail.aspx?ID=1661) or just the hardware store?
one of the diaphragms was torn in a couple spots. is this going to be a big problem? should i replace it or even both? and are they usually kind of brittle feeling. mine feel a little stiff.

here are the carbs all taken apart and ready to be cleaned.

i think i am gonna soda blast them. if you haven't heard of it. i made one of these: http://www.aircooledtech.com/tools-o.../soda_blaster/
here is mine

i already started on the tops, and it works great, doesn't remove the pitting but gets em super clean. i ran out of baking soda so i will post more pictures of the final result.
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